Filmmatic Short Competition
"The Naughty List" was selected as a semifinalist in this year's Filmmatic Short Screenplay Awards!
Shoot Your Short Competition
I'm honored to share that "The Naughty List" screenplay has now been selected as a semi-finalist by the Creative Screenwriting: Shoot Your Short competition!
Creative World Awards
I'm honored to share that "The Naughty List" screenplay has been selected as a finalist by the Creative World Awards!
Raindance Finalist
"The Naughty List" is a finalist! I'm honored to share that "The Naughty List" screenplay has been selected as a finalist by both the Raindance and Creative World Awards competitions. We also received incredible feedback from our submissions to Final
Final Draft Big Break
"The Naughty List" continues to blow us away in competition. The Final Draft Big Break competition just gave us a lovely review: “The Naughty List is an absolutely charming holiday script and this reader, for one, would love to see