In the gritty heart of South London, a young boy struggles to find solace amidst the chaos of his home life. The constant tension between his parents is a storm he’s learned to weather, but today the storm breaks, when he witnesses his father brutally assaulting his mother.
Shattered and scared, the boy flees to the neighborhood basketball court—the only place that’s ever offered him a brief escape from his reality He joins a pickup game with another boy who is unaware of the turmoil raging within him.
The game is tense, and the boy’s frustration grows with every missed shot. When his opponent’s taunts hit a nerve, something inside the boy snaps. He lashes out, attacking the other boy with a ferocity that surprises even him.
He runs away, overcome with guilt and shame, through streets, finally collapsing in a secluded alley. There, he grapples with the fear that he is just like his father. The film closes with the boy, still trembling, as he faces the choice of confronting his pain or letting it consume him.